After Your Bathroom Remodel, Extra Things You Can Do

After Your Bathroom Remodel, Extra Things You Can Do


The completion of a bathroom remodel provides new opportunities to add luxury to the necessary space. Think of it as a sanctuary that you can turn to for a private escape from the rest of the family and other stresses of the day.

High-end features are not the only solution if you want to make your escape more comfortable and accommodating. Add the following finishing touches to your room by starting with a few of these ideas.

Invest in New Towels

It’s perfectly acceptable in your younger years of adulthood to have a collection of thin, mismatched towels. A bathroom remodel is the perfect time to choose a set of plush towels that are nice to look at and soft to the touch.

You can find plenty of cozy, inexpensive options that complement the color scheme of the room.

Add a Towel Warmer

While on the subject of towels, consider installing an inexpensive warmer to give you a bit of extra comfort on those cold mornings.

It’s unpleasant to exit a warm shower and immediately catch a chill across your body. A towel warmer is going to provide the heat that you need, with some models carrying a reasonable pricetag of less than $100.

Upgrade the Shower head

If your family uses the shower more frequently than the bathtub, a new shower head is going to prove itself worth the investment.

Consider the major difference a nice shower head will make compared to the old low-pressure model you are using currently. There are so many easy-install options, including a handheld attachment, a double head, gentle overhead rain, or a multi-setting massage unit.

Implement Seating

If your room has adequate free space for a bench or chair, it will give you more opportunity to enjoy the privacy. You might desire a designated spot where you can sit down to remove your shoes and socks.

If you already have a radio or television installed, seating is going to make it more comfortable to enjoy listening to the morning news or catching a show without interruption.

Eliminate the Annoyance of Mirror Fog

You probably find yourself constantly battling mirror fog after exiting a warm shower. This constant nuisance is easy to remedy with the addition of a small heater installed behind the actual mirror.

Switch it on before the shower so that you can enjoy a clear view of yourself without the need to keep wiping and squinting.

Get in touch with us through the contact form to get advice regarding extra things that you can do to improve comfort after your initial bathroom remodel.

7 Unique Ideas for Improving Kitchen Storage

7 Unique Ideas for Improving Kitchen Storage


The storage solutions in your kitchen should provide freedom from the clutter of kitchen tools and small appliances. Disorganization and inefficiency leads to sacrificing countertop space that could be used more wisely. If you constantly find yourself in uncomfortable positions digging through messy cabinets to locate items that you need, it is time for a remodel. Follow along with our tips to make sure that the effort and investment that you put in is completely worthwhile.

1. Cabinets Should Be High

Believe it or not, some kitchens are designed with open space between the ceiling and the cabinets. This is not only wasteful of the available space, these empty areas are good for nothing but dust collection. Start your kitchen design by making cabinets reach all the way to the ceiling to lengthen the appearance of the room and provide extra storage.

2. Install Pull-Our Shelves

Say goodbye to the days of reaching into dark cabinets trying to find small appliances or dishes. The addition of pull-out shelving allows you to conveniently bring your items out with a simple sliding motion.

3. Add Organizational Racks

It’s possible to store more in one space by putting a couple of racks on the new pull-out shelves. You can easily organize pots, pans, baking dishes, Tupperware, and any other items that would otherwise pile up into a mess.

4. Simplify the Spices

Most kitchens have an entire cabinet of spices to sift through each time a meal is prepared. Feel free to alphabetize a pull-out spice rack or use a different storage solution in a drawer. When everything has a designated place, it’ll be easier to find exactly what you need in an instant.

5. No More Junk Drawer

Get rid of the familiar clanking sound of trying to locate utensils thrown into a messy drawer. Simple insert organizers help separate silverware, cooking utensils, Tupperware, or entire dish sets.

6. Add Open Shelves

There isn’t a requirement to stick to the traditional closed cabinets or drawers when storing dishes, cookware, spices, and other items you use frequently. Keep important items in a convenient location by installing open shelving for easy access.

7. Install Drawers in the Base of Cabinets

Kids love to dig through cabinets as you prepare meals in the kitchen. Add a toe-kick drawer to store their toys, art supplies, and other safe items that will keep them entertained as you work.

If you want more ideas that work to improve the storage of your kitchen, we are happy to help. Our designers understand the value of organization, especially if the space you are working with is limited in size. Call us to set up a time that we can discuss your remodel project and find more ways to help you make the most of your kitchen storage.

What are the latest styles in commercial restrooms?

What are the latest styles in commercial restrooms?

There are people with actual phobias of public restrooms because they have a reputation of being unsanitary and ugly. Consider the ambiance of the bathroom in your business to recognize the need to complete some important updates. It should be easy to find solutions that will make employees and customers feel comfortable and safe. You may decide that a few small updates are sufficient, or it might require an entire remodel to achieve your ideal modern design.

Touch Free Fixtures

Think about how many restaurants you avoid simply because they have a disgusting restroom. No one wants to feel that they are being exposed to filth and bacteria that could potentially cause a serious illness. The usual culprits are contaminated toilet seats and floors, but your greatest risk of exposure is actually during the process of hand washing. A total of 19 different bacterial phyla were identified by University of Colorado scientists collecting samples from public restroom surfaces. It’s not even safe to touch the exterior of a soap dispenser because it’s being contaminated regularly throughout each day.

Commercial restrooms are implementing touch-free soap dispensers, flushing mechanisms, hand dryers, and faucets to help visitors avoid contact with germs. It’s also easier for facility owners to maintain cleanliness with these innovative features.

Sustainable Materials

Public restroom products are put to the test each day by enduring frequent use during business hours. Manufacturers are beginning to recognize the value of using sustainable materials to improve the overall lifespan of their products. Engineered stone used as countertop surfaces is created from recycled materials to ensure a more durable final product. In fact, most recycled and renewable materials are suitable for heavy usage in an environment that is often damp or humid. High Density Polyethylene plastic is another recycled product found in most modern commercial restrooms.

Luxurious Design

Visitors are more likely to visit an establishment that offers a sophisticated and updated restroom. Stainless steel, granite, and other stone products are becoming trendy because they offer exceptional bacteria resistance and cleanliness. It’s easy to sanitize natural stone flooring, especially if you compare it to the grimy reputation of traditional laminate. Granite countertops are sleek, non-porous, and have the ability to make every business feel like a high-end establishment.

Get in touch with our team of designers by completing the contact form to find out about our commercial restroom solutions and products that we offer.

Why Does Some Granite Cost More Than Other Granite?

Why Does Some Granite Cost More Than Other Granite?

Adding granite to your bathroom or kitchen remodel is an exceptional decision to increase the value and appeal of your living spaces. You may notice, however, that the price quotes for different pieces of natural granite can vary considerably. They may seem similar to the untrained eye, but there are a lot of factors that contribute to the price per square foot. Once you understand why there are variations, you can feel confident making a quality selection for your home that is also affordable.

    • • Grading – The grade that is given to granite is determined by the durability, hardness, and overall quality of the piece. You might also find that some of the larger slabs happen to be graded higher than a smaller piece.


    • • Country of Origin – One of the most obvious reasons that the country the slab comes from contributes to the cost is shipping. In addition, the expense of doing business in some countries is going to reflect in the price of the piece. For example, a piece that comes from Italy is going to cost less than one that comes from China, even though they may be of the exact same quality.


    • • Rarity – The less available a certain color or pattern is, the more it is going to cost to obtain. A common type that is easily found in several places in the country is not going to be as expensive as one only found in a certain area.


    • • Hardness – A slab of a hard granite carries a higher price because of the time and labor it takes to mine and fabricate the stone. It’s a great quality to look for in a countertop surface, but you are going to pay more as a result.


    • • Fragile – Homeowners do not shy away from the more delicate stones when they want genuine luxury. There is a high risk of accidental breakage in the production and transportation of the finished product. Some of the expense can be attributed to careful handling necessary when bringing a fragile granite to market.


If two different companies provide a different price on very similar pieces of granite, consider that their inventory is not the same. One may include installation, edging, sealing, and other work into the square foot estimate. Or they may base their products using different standards that would make one piece price at low-quality when it is sold as mid-level at another.

At Flemington Granite, we encourage you to visit our showroom to get a no-obligation quote on different slabs of granite that we carry. You will see for yourself that our products make a great addition to any home remodel project.

The Winter Is Coming, Is Your Kitchen Ready?

The Winter Is Coming, Is Your Kitchen Ready?

It seems that each year the warm weather moves out in what seems like an instant. You’ve spent months primarily using barbecue utensils and preparing foods that are suitable for the high temperatures. Don’t let yourself enter the cooler months without reorganizing to prepare your kitchen for the change of seasons.

Refresh Your Recipes

Everyone has a few favorite dishes that they love to prepare when the weather turns cool. Months have gone by since you made a hearty pot of chili or one of your favorite casseroles. Refresh your memory of some old family favorites so that you can stock up on ingredients and spices to welcome the winter.

Stock the Pantry

When the mornings are cold, you typically think to start the day with warm cereal, oatmeal, coffee, cocoa, and other comforting favorites. Make room for all of the winter staples by getting rid of anything you do not plan to use until next year. Always have enough supplies that you can put together a meal without running to the grocery store if the weather gets bad.

Change Decor

The kitchen should always feel cozy, no matter what the temperature may be outdoors. Replace window plants that don’t thrive in the cold with wintery herbs to freshen up a pot of soup. Buy a new rug runner, dish towels, oven mitts, and other decorative items that feature warm colors. Also, it doesn’t hurt to add new storage solution to keep squash, potatoes, yams, and other fresh foods out of the way.

Inventory the Fridge and Freezer

Salad dressing, barbecue sauce, old fruits and vegetables, popsicles, and any frozen leftovers that no one is going to touch can be thrown out. Condiments that you intend to use should be organized together so that they are easy to find and out of the way. While you are at it, freshen up any storage drawers with a mild detergent and warm water before restocking for the winter.

Rearrange Countertops and Cabinets

Your crock pot and casserole dishes have probably accumulated quite a bit of dust over the past few months. Clean them up and get ready to get back into the habit of making roasts and stews. All of the dishes and utensils you used for those outdoor barbecues can go into storage so that you have easier access to bowls, mugs, large pots, and anything else you plan to use frequently.

8 Steps To An Environmentally Friendly Home

8 Steps To An Environmentally Friendly Home

Homeowners are showing their care for the health of our environment by taking advantage of the green movement. These solutions effectively protect the Earth by implementing changes that reduce reduced the amount of waste around the house. As you consume less energy and water, the savings are going to start adding up as monthly utility bills decrease. Becoming more environmentally friendly around the house is a small step toward protecting the world that your younger family members will one day inherit.

Going Green in the Bathroom

Wasting water is a serious problem that most homeowners find themselves guilty of contributing to each day. A single old showerhead uses 2.5 gallons of water each minute that it is in use. Old toilets consume nearly 1,000 gallons of water each week to accommodate a 4-person occupancy. EPA approved products in the bathroom improve efficiency by cutting down on unnecessary water use.

  • Water Efficient Showerheads:
    Compared to the average outdated showerhead, a more efficient solution uses 1 gallon less water every minute without reducing pressure.
  • Water Saving Faucets:
    The EPA offers a WaterSense label on products that reduce water flow considerably. Switching to this type of faucet consumes 30 percent less water, with an average use of only 1.5 gallons each minute.
  • Water Saving Toilets:
    Low flow toilets reduce the amount of water waste, with some models using only 1.28 gallons for each flush.
  • Buy a Tankless Water Heater:
    The luxury of a long, hot shower drains a lot of energy if you’re using a standard tank. The tankless model cuts down the waste of maintaining the temperature when the heater is not in use.

Going Green in the Kitchen

There is a serious drain on energy caused by appliances that run inefficiently. Almost 1 out of every 5 homes has more than one refrigerator or a deep freeze constantly draining resources. Running the dishwasher adds an average of $100 of wasted energy to the bill each year. The decision to switch to products that are energy efficient is going to cut down on waste and expense.

  • Energy Efficient Refrigerator:
    Cooling the refrigerator and freezer 24 hours a day is impossible to avoid. Switch to an Energy Star model to increase efficiency without fussing with the thermostat.
  • Energy Efficient Dishwasher:
    You don’t have to go back to washing a sink full of dishes by hand to conserve resources. Look at the efficiency rating given to newer dishwasher models to start saving without giving up convenience.
  • Use Natural Cleaning Products:
    Dangerous cleaning products like bleach are not only hazardous to your family, it causes unnecessary harm to the environment. Most messes can be cleaned and disinfected with inexpensive items like baking soda, lemons, and vinegar.
  • Change the Lighting:
    Traditional bulbs drain energy and generate heat the entire time that they are running. Energy efficient bulbs fit into standard sockets for an easy way to cut down on resources.

Provide your information through our contact form so that we can help you discover more green solutions.

Easy, Cheap, DIY Ways To Spook Up Your Kitchen This Halloween

Easy, Cheap, DIY Ways To Spook Up Your Kitchen This Halloween

The fall season is such an exciting time of year as it is the beginning of the major family holidays. Welcome the whimsy and fun of Halloween by redecorating your kitchen with a few of our hauntingly creative ideas. You don’t have to go overboard with expense or complication with a few of these simple touches around the room.

1. Begin With Spooky Windows

Feel free to get heavy-handed with the decorations featured on the windows and windowsills. It doesn’t create clutter the same as other areas so you could add fake spider webs, seasonal figurines, miniature pumpkins, or a homemade creation without worry. One easy DIY idea begins with draping a piece of white cloth over a round lollipop to create a miniature ghost figure to hang from the window.

2. Add Flare to Otherwise Ordinary Table Decor

The centerpiece of your table should be changed to match each season, including a fun Halloween theme. Use a neutral tablecloth before setting miniature painted pumpkins, a couple of seasonal black or silver candle holders, and spooky spiders in the center to set the mood.

3. Run Wild With Accessories

There are so many options each year to find inexpensive ways to swap plain accessories for Halloween-inspired extras. Check out the selection of placemats, glasses, potholders, dish towels, and wall art at your local craft store. Whether you prefer scary or whimsical, you are sure to find plenty of options to set the scene.

4. Feature Your Personalized Pumpkins

It’s a timeless, inexpensive family tradition to carve pumpkins or decorate with glue and a few small craft supplies. These props never go out of style because you can make a new design every single year without spending much. Place on a side table or unused countertop space before placing a candle inside to show off your haunting creations.

Enjoy a season of entertaining family and friends in a festive Halloween setting once you implement the new decor. Our designers have plenty of additional budget-friendly tips to share, in addition to solution to help you maximize your kitchen space. We encourage you to fill out the contact form for the opportunity to set up an appointment with our professionals.

Natural Stone Can Make Any Pool A Treasure

Natural Stone Can Make Any Pool A Treasure

Any home with a swimming pool is provided with the luxury of relaxation in an outdoor setting. The area surrounding your pool should not only show off your personality, it should match the architectural style of your property. A superior deck should begin with the selection of a natural stone to provide years of exceptional durability as well as sophistication. With so many options to choose from, begin your search by learning a bit about a variety of natural stone types.


The blue and gray shades of bluestone can be installed in any of three different textures to match your design style. This material is versatile enough to feature a non-uniform texture, smooth honed finish, or a thermal uniform texture. It partners exceptionally in yards that are surrounded by natural greenery.

Coral Stone

If your taste desires true uniqueness, the features of coral stone are sure to exceed your design expectations. It consists of a mixture containing fossilized coral and shell, limestone, and sand to create a very distinct looking material. Not only is it beautiful, it does not absorb significant heat or weaken from exposure to sale or chemicals.


Earthy neutral tones of flagstone material feature a naturally family-friendly, non-slip surface. It looks great in an outdoor pool setting because the rich brown textures are rugged and durable.


When it comes to resisting the elements, the hardness of granite is capable of withstanding years of exposure. It’s a great investment in any outdoor design because granite looks elegant without being too fragile to enjoy.


Standing up against freezing, rain, and heat is one characteristic of limestone that makes it a very popular outdoor material. It is going to look bright and beautiful many years after installation, even if your local climate includes frequent and extreme weather changes.


An absorbent outdoor deck is ideal for safety, especially if you have small children running around. Travertine deck materials come in many neutral tones that stay cool to the touch and look luxurious alongside a fresh blue pool of water.


Light red or brown quartz creates the perfect companion color for use around any pool style. The even tones make it easy to match with other pieces of sandstone so that you do not end up with noticeably mismatched areas.


Deeper shades and unique colors of slate create a varied range of visual options. It’s a long-lasting deck option that suits more traditional spaces as well as a more natural or rustic setting. Builders recommend slate for large projects because it is durable, yet easy to customize and install.

Our designers are excited to help you find the perfect deck material to surround your pool. We feature many different natural stone options in our showroom to match your style with a unique texture and color. Reach out through the contact form so that we can give you a personal tour of our facility.

How To Embrace Feng Shui In Your Kitchen

How To Embrace Feng Shui In Your Kitchen

The Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui can be applied to home decor to create a sense of harmony. Arranging furniture to improve the energy in a room is believed to translate to a positive mind and body. Implement our tips to improve crucial elements of your kitchen so that it is more warm and inviting.

Minimize Clutter

Unnecessary objects taking up space are unsightly to begin with, but they also block the free flow of energy. It’s relaxing to see organization, open shelving units, and a room that is completely free from the usual clutter. Go through the room and make sure that anything used infrequently is stored out of plain sight.

Add More Light

Overhead light gets the job done as far as creating adequate visibility to prepare meals and clean. Increase the brightness with the natural light of windows, mirrors that reflect other light sources, and a few smaller fixtures. If you have the room, consider installing a skylight to take advantage of the natural resources on sunny days.


Incorporate Each of the Elements

Proper Feng Shui in the kitchen is established with a healthy balance of wood, metal, water, fire, and earth elements. If only one or two of these elements are able to overpower the others, it can become destructive to the positive energy. You can represent each element in the natural form or implement colors throughout the room to create a healthy balance.

Create Energy With Mirrors

Create Energy With Mirrors

If you have a smaller kitchen, there are ways to decorate so that it seems more spacious. A few well-placed mirrors grab and project the light coming from nearby fixtures and windows. You should notice an overall increase in the energy of the room when it is no longer lost in the walls.

Bring Nature Inside

Living things, like fresh plants, boost the energy in the kitchen by representing the earth element. It’s easy to overlook the benefits of fresh flowers or fruit with the ease of plastic placeholders, but nothing compares to authenticity.

Balance Colors

Every color serves a different purpose in the kitchen design based on their unique meaning. If you want the kitchen to give off a feeling of cleanliness and purity, white is always a safe color option that pairs well with others. Blues are believed to curb hunger and bring out a calm feeling if used in moderation. You may prefer the benefits of yellow tones that promote socialization, happiness, and positivity.

Put Thought Into Your Choice of Plates

The dishes that you eat from should feature a color that serves a purpose. Circular plates are believed to promote the flow of energy more freely than the square options. If you are trying to control or decrease your weight, blue is the best color choice. Boost appetite by serving on dishes that primarily feature orange, yellow, or red.

Get Your Money Back With These Top Kitchen Upgrades!

Get Your Money Back With These Top Kitchen Upgrades!

Increasing the value of a home with interior renovations is a goal that most homeowners have, especially if they plan to put their property on the market. As you already know the area that you should focus on the most if you want a return on the investment is the kitchen. This room has so much potential, especially if the home was built many years ago and has never gone through any upgrades.

Focus on the following areas of your kitchen and add natural or engineered stone whenever possible to ensure that you get the most bang for your buck.


Upgrading outdated laminate countertops with natural or engineered stone is going to increase the value of your home exponentially. Why? Simply because natural stone and solid quartz countertops sell! It seems everyone wants granite these days – We’ve even noticed that renters are asking for these high-end countertops, too.

If you appreciate the appearance of a softer material, like marble, consider the option of mimicking it with a more durable engineered stone. CaesarStone, for example, manufacturers an exceptional line of low-maintenance, high-performance products that are created with the same visual features of natural marble or limestone.

Granite Kitchen Countertop


Think before you completely rip out all of your outdated cabinetry and end up sacrificing a large part of your budget. Refacing is a logical option if the cabinets are sturdy enough to keep. The least expensive way to update is to apply a fresh coat of neutral paint and get new cabinet pulls and knobs. Avoid doing anything that would turn off a potential buyer that may not appreciate your unique taste.


Collaborate with an engineer and electrician to find out any safe options for taking down walls or creating partitions. Open spaces are more appealing because it makes the room seem larger and brighter. This is really important if the room is on the smaller side because buyers may overlook a home for this reason alone.


Don’t clutter your space with large appliances that are designed to do more than you need. If you want a return on your investment, the best thing to do is skip any big-ticket items that you don’t actually need. Consider the ways that you use the kitchen to entertain and cook so that you only upgrade the features that you will use the most.


Stay away from laminate, linoleum, and vinyl when you have the option to upgrade to hardwood or stone flooring. Hardwood is very durable and attractive, but stone is going to provide more unique options. Granite kitchen tiles come in different colors from neutral beige to more unusual greens or blues. Travertine tiles are a great long-term investment because of the easy maintenance and are visually stunning. If you do decide to go with stone flooring, do the research to ensure that it’s suitable for the traffic and potential for exposure to spills in the kitchen.

Complete the contact form to begin working with our experienced team of designers on kitchen upgrades that are sure to provide a return on the investment.

Maintain Bathroom Privacy and Natural Light With These Tips

Maintain Bathroom Privacy and Natural Light

Natural light in the bathroom opens up the space and provides a view to the outside. Unfortunately, there is a risk of accidental exposure if you have neighbors or traffic nearby. Whether you are designing a new space or trying to improve natural light and privacy in your existing bathroom, there are plenty of different solutions. Work within your budget to find a way to let the light shine in without the worry of losing freedom.

Add Window Coverings

Installing shutters, curtains, blinds, or shades is going to provide the privacy you desire, but also allow you to adjust the light that is coming in. Choose a style that adds to the decorative style of the bathroom and gives you control. Most options are very inexpensive, unless you choose a custom set of wood shutters.

Translucent Glass

Frosted or tinted glass allows light to come in, but no one will be able to see details inside. If the window is double-paned, consider translucent glass for the bottom with the top remaining clear.

Privacy Film

If budget is the biggest concern, consider applying inexpensive privacy film to the window itself. Some versions are sticky, but the best way to avoid any mess is to choose a product that adheres by static cling. It may be possible for anyone outside to see a clear silhouette so consider a film that features a pattern.

Glass Block Windows

Glass Block Windows

Gain privacy by creating the appearance of distorted silhouettes through glass blocks instead of a plain window. Not only does it increase the amount of natural light in the room, they improve security and insulation. It isn’t the least expensive option, but the installation isn’t incredibly expensive either.

Add High Windows or a Skylight

Creating a natural light source in the ceiling is the easiest way to avoid privacy issues. Installing a skylight or window near the ceiling is going to require a larger investment than a simple light tunnel. This feature provides light through a tunnel mounted to the roof that projects the light through a lens in the ceiling.

Contact our staff through the contact form to receive help with the natural light in your bathroom. We will find a solution that not only meets your needs, but also stays within the budget that you’re working with.

Selling Your Home? These Upgrades Will Give You The Biggest Return on Investment

Selling Your Home

When selling your home, you want to be sure that you get the most out of your investment. Although you may be very pleased with the way your home looks, there are a few inexpensive upgrades that can help increase the value of your home and may make your home more appealing to buyers.

Make Your Kitchen Look Amazing

Kitchens are the most important room in the house when it comes to selling. A dated kitchen can make the difference between a buyer who falls in love with your house and one that simply walks out the door without interest. One simple way to update your kitchen is to refinish or repaint cabinets and update the hardware, adding new handles and hinges.

Choose colors that appeal to a wide range of home buyers and not those that are trendy. Consider replacing plain white appliances with stainless steel or laminate countertops with granite. There are builder-grade granites available that are less expensive than higher-end cuts. Granite countertops can add significant value to your home and be an excellent selling point for buyers.

The Bathroom of Your Dreams

Bathrooms are the second most important room in the house to buyers. Today, many buyers are looking for bathrooms with a spa-like feeling. Replace your plastic tub surround with tile, giving it a modern look with inexpensive white subway-style ceramic tile. For just a little more money, you can even add a recessed wall shelf in the bathroom as well. Old pedestal sinks are trending right now, so instead of replacing the sink, change the faucet fixtures to a more retro style and hang colorful towels next to it.

Many buyers now are seeking large, walk-in showers rather than whirlpool bathtubs. Neutral colors in bathrooms are the most well-received, so consider tones in light blue or green with white accents. Add some scented candles and fresh-smelling soaps to increase the spa feeling. Consider replacing a regular shower head with a handheld model that can be adjusted for different types of spray or add a rain shower for more of a spa feeling. Replace dated lighting and replace wallpaper with textured finishes.

Don’t Forget to Paint

One of the least expensive ways to update your home is by painting each room. A room that is freshly painted looks clean and updated. In addition, painting may force you to eliminate clutter which may also be a turn-off to buyers. Choose neutral shades like cream or beige so the buyer looks at the room as a blank canvas. If you have bright furniture or accessories, earth tones will mute those colors and look perfect with wood flooring. Consider bright pops of color in small rooms, like powder rooms and alcoves.

Reasons to Improve Your Flooring

Wood floors are trending today and it is possible to get a hardwood floor look at a reasonable price. Today, laminate flooring is affordable and other Earth-friendly options like bamboo and cork are growing in popularity. If you have covered hardwood with carpet, consider removing it and refinishing the wood to increase the value of your home. If you have hardwood floors that are scuffed or dull, consider renting a sander and refinishing them or hire a professional to do it for you. Many buyers are turning away from carpet completely, even in bedrooms, so consider replacing all carpeted floors with wood to increase the value of your home.

These tips can make your home look more appealing to buyers and can increase the value of your home without costing a significant amount of money. Selling your home? Give us a call or complete our easy contact form so that we can help you get the most value for your home without emptying your wallet.

With So Many Eye Catching Granite Countertop Colors, Which Do You Choose?

With So Many Eye Catching Granite Countertop

Every year more and more homeowners are discovering the benefits of granite countertops in their kitchens and baths. This surface is available in a variety of colors, including white, black, brown, beige, blue and red. With so many options, it is a suitable option for any number of kitchen designs.These tips can help you choose the right color so that you will be happy with your granite countertop for many years to come.

Modern Look With Dark Granite

If you are looking for a modern look in your kitchen, you may prefer to choose a dark granite color. Dark granite pairs well with a contemporary-themed kitchen and is eye-catching when used with white cabinets. The surface is rather eye-catching when it is used in a kitchen that has stark white cabinets and stainless steel appliances.

Bold accents, like bright colored bowls on a kitchen island or an orange candles would also work nicely in such kitchens. Adding stainless steel appliances will make your kitchen even more eye catching.

In the Kitchen. Granite Countertop, Sink,

A Classic Look with White Granite

White granite countertops are classic and timeless, giving your kitchen or bath a luxurious yet comfortable look. If your kitchen or bath is small, white countertops will make the room feel open and airy, making your friends and family feel welcome.

White granite works well with dark cabinetry, lightening up the room and eliminating the feeling of stuffiness that dark cabinets can often create. To hide stains from cooking or beauty products, which can occur during normal wear and tear, consider a white granite countertop with a pattern .

White kitchen with white granite tops, island and hanging pot rack

Timeless Neutral Granite

Neutral colors in granite are perfect if you are seeking a subtle yet versatile look for your kitchen or bath. Neutral colors are elegant and allow you to accessorize with a wide variety of colors. Neutral granite is one of the most popular colors as it works with virtually every style of kitchen or bath, whether you are seeking a modern or a classic look.

Neutral colors work well with wooden cabinets and subdued wall colors as well as in rustic rooms with wooden floors and pedestal or country sinks. Like white granite, it may be advisable to choose a neutral granite with a pattern to help hide any marks that can occur during normal use, such as food spills, scratches or beauty product marks.

Timeless Neutral Granite

Choosing the right color granite is important as granite can last forever. Complete our easy contact form for more information on choosing the perfect granite color for your kitchen or bath.

Natural Stone Flooring is Trending, Here’s What You Need To Know

Natural Stone Flooring is Trending, Here's What You Need To Know

Every homeowner can appreciate the use of natural stone pretty much anywhere in the home. It has become trendy over the last few years because there is so much versatility in the ways that it can be used, from tiny tiles to large countertop slabs. Marble and granite are materials that most people are familiar with, but onyx and travertine are unique options gaining popularity.

Before you commit to a particular stone flooring, consider the options based on the requirements in the area of application. As long as you do the research, you are sure to find a material worth making the long-term investment.

Absorption Rating

Manufacturers use a specific rating of each material to specify how porous and absorbent it is. This provides an indication of how easily it will accumulate stains and take on damage. These 4 levels rank from the most absorbent to the lowest.

  • Non-vitreous: This type of tile should never be installed in an environment that might become damp because it will be damaged.
  • Semi-vitreous: Although these tiles can stand up to some moisture, they will require maintenance when exposed.
  • Vitreous: Ideal for mid to low traffic areas, this type of flooring tile material features the standard absorption level.
  • Impervious: High traffic and commercial applications require these liquid resistant materials because they are very easy to maintain.

Grading Your Materials

Thickness, size, condition, and shape are some of the qualities referred to in the material grading system.

  • Grade 1 is given to uniform materials that are of the highest quality.
  • Grade 2 materials typically have minor irregularities, chips, and other defects that prevent complete uniformity.
  • Grade 3 is typically used in rustic decorations or accent pieces because they have major flaws and are highly irregular.

Is Friction Important?

It’s not always necessary to choose a material with low traction, but this measurement is important in high-traffic applications. In most environments, a low coefficient of friction basically means that it’s going to get slippery. Flooring materials need to have a .6 dryness coefficient or higher to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

Indoor vs Outdoor Rating

Use the above factors to decide if different natural stone materials are suitable for the application area. An outdoor environment is going to expose the material to dirt, moisture, and other elements that could cause damage. Avoid using non-vitreous materials outside and make sure that the coefficient of friction is high enough to prevent slipping hazards.


A problem that can arise when working with natural stone materials is the potential for iron to be present. It’s not man-made so there is no way to control the composition. If applied outdoors, iron will eventually oxidize and begin to degenerate through rusting.

We encourage the use of natural stone tiles and look forward to helping you decide on the best option for your desired applications. Call to schedule appointment or stop by to take a look at the options in our showrooms.

Key Tactics the Pros Use When Choosing The Perfect Bathtub

Key Tactics the Pros Use When Choosing The Perfect Bathtub

Cleansing the body used to be the primary purpose of having a bathtub in the home. Over the years, manufacturers have transformed the boring standard bathtub into one of the most luxurious features of the entire bathroom. Unwind at the end of the day with a relaxing full-body soak in the comfort of a contoured tub. Or you could choose a more powerful, invigorating whirlpool to alleviate nagging aches and pains. Take the time to do the research and make decisions that are going to enhance your bathing experience and benefit your lifestyle.

5 Rules to Follow When Deciding on a Bath Tub

1. Measure the Space

Wait to begin the looking for the perfect tub until you accurately measure the exact dimensions of your available space. It’s not good enough to simply estimate because you could end up disappointed when you’re faced with installation problems. Once you know the size, it’s easy to narrow the types of installations that you could use in the bathroom.

2. Weigh the Pros and Cons of Different Material Types

Until you begin shopping, you probably don’t realize how many different options there are for bathtub surface materials. Consider some key factors of a few popular materials before selecting the right tub:

  • Acrylic
    • Naturally warm, easy to maintain, and very durable.
  • Porcelain Coated Steel
    • Low cost, glossy, durable, easy to clean.
  • Enameled Cast Iron
    • Very strong, durable, and high gloss finish.
    • Heavy, cold to the touch, limited sizes/shape options, and difficult to clean.
  • Fiberglass
    • Inexpensive, light-weight, and many sizes/shape options.
    • Susceptible to stains, short lifespan, susceptible to mold and stains.

3. Make Sure It’s Comfortable

Decide which member of the household is going to use the tub the most and cater to their needs and preferences. It makes the most sense to try out a few options to make sure the size, shape, and features meet the expectations of this person.

Consider these tips when shopping for a bathtub:

  • Choose a model that features a backrest to add to the comfort of the bather.
  • Get inside to make sure that they can also extend their legs fully when reclined.
  • Select a backrest with an accommodating slope and height for the user.

Make Sure the bathroom is Comfortable

4. Put Quality Over Price

A low quality product might look similar to more expensive tubs on the outside, but inferior products aren’t going to last. Tearing out and replacing a bathtub isn’t easy, and the best thing that you can do is invest in a bath that is going to last.

 5. Add Features that Increase Luxury

If the bath is going to be used for long, relaxing soaks, then why not add some enhancements? Pamper aching muscles and wash away tensions with one of the following massage systems:

      • Jetted Bath
        • Similar to a heated spa, jetted systems offer a more direct massage through a series of pressurized streams.
        • These tubs are not a high recommendation because water gets trapped in the system and only clears when it is being used later. Algae and bacteria accumulate and create a nasty slime that is difficult to fully disinfect.
      • Air Bath
        • This system pulls in and heats air before releasing it through jets near the bottom of the tub to create a bubble massage.
        • Automatic drying after every use prevents water from settling in the system so that everything is clean and hygienic.
        • Pressure is distributed evenly and settings can be adjusted to make the bath more relaxing or energetic.

Types of Tubs

Sizes and shapes vary greatly from the ordinary corner tub that is set against a wall of the bathroom. Unless there is a size constraint, there’s no reason to settle for a shower/bath combo that offers very little in the way of relaxation. Don’t be afraid to be bold by selecting a type with more personality and luxury features based on the primary use.

Features to Consider

Options and accessories are available to enhance the bathing experience from a basic personal hygiene practice. Bubbles and jets are a popular request when it’s time to upgrade because they help circulate heat and provide exceptional relaxation. Chromatherapy is an LED system that projects underwater to set a relaxing mood. Underwater speaker panels are another accessory that works through the water to create a full experience of sound and vibrations. Consider installing digital controls to customize temperature, jet flow, music, and any other add-one from the convenience of a touchpad.

Submit your information through the contact form so that we can help you through the process of finding the perfect bathtub based on your needs, desires, and any space constraints.

Home Improvement Money Saving Tips

Home Improvement Money Saving Tips

Saving money is always a necessity when it comes to planning a remodel and improving parts of the home. The financial commitment is often more than the original budget so it always helps to find ways to save money whenever possible.

Check out our budgeting tips for reducing expenses and ensuring that you can complete your projects without disruption.

  • Prioritize Needs over Wants

Divide your list of renovation goals into changes that you want and improvements that you cannot live without. If your entire goal is to make certain household features more functional or to replace kitchen appliances that do not work, put the necessities at the top of the list. It might be possible to hold off on parts of the project that are not needed to achieve your basic renovation goals.

  • Handle the Demolition Yourself

Knocking down walls and removing old materials is a part of the cost that a professional will charge in a home improvement project. As long as you feel confident and understand how to properly tear out areas that will be replaced, why not handle it yourself? Take note to avoid any live wires, plumbing, and load-bearing walls that could put you in danger or cause the repairs to become an additional expense.

  • Leave the Kitchen Sink

It’s expensive to relocate plumbing so it might be smarter for your budget to simple plan the project around existing hookups. This is also true of electrical wiring that would have to be installed or removed by a licensed electrician. Only do what is necessary to keep from sacrificing a considerable part of the budget to move one sink.

  • Start with the Small Projects First

Before you jump into an entire home renovation, begin with something easy and inexpensive. Once you complete a front porch addition or replacing an entryway door, it will be easier to understand the process of buying new materials, paying for labor, and going through construction. Prior experience will help tremendously when it’s time to negotiate larger projects with contractors.

  • Budget for the Unexpected

No matter how prepared you are to take on a project of any size, there is a good chance that you will hit a snag at some point. Set aside a separate budget specifically to cushion these unforeseen expenses so that you never become stressed with the unexpected.

  • Get an Estimate from a Professional

The average homeowner is not able to complete a renovation without going over their set budget. It’s always smart to have a professional contractor provide a more realistic estimate based on the labor, materials, and details of the project. In the long run this is going to help save up an adequate amount before you ever decide to get started.

We are happy to come out to your home and provide an estimate on your project so that you can plan ahead. Call us to set up an appointment that is suitable with your schedule.

How to Choose the Right Kitchen Sink

How to Choose the Right Kitchen Sink (1)

The sink is the most used and necessary part of every kitchen. Think about how frequently you reach over to wash your hands or clean up as you are cooking. If it has been a while since you’ve upgraded the sink in your home, you may not know about all of the options that have become available over the last few years. The plain square or rectangular stainless steel basins built into most older homes are no longer the only option when it comes to a replacement or total kitchen remodel. After considering the following few design factors, it will be easier to choose the right sink for your home.

Questions To Ask Yourself

Narrow down your options by asking the following important questions about your new sink:

  • What type of installation is needed and are there any restrictions?
  • Which size and configuration fits best with your space?
  • What is your ideal type of sink material?

Three Types Of Sink Installations

  • Drop-in – The easiest type to install requires a cutout in the countertop. A sink is fitted on top of the base cabinet into the empty space and supported by the flanges. It does leave a tiny space at the edge where the sink and countertop meet that can easily catch debris.
  • Flush Mount – Tile edge sinks are basically the same as the drop-in, but the countertop is tiled so that it sits flush. A grout line seals the tiny gap between the edge of the sink and tile.
  • Undermount – Working from beneath the countertop, the undermount sink is supported by the cabinet or left hanging with the support of fastening devices. It doesn’t leave any areas that moisture or food would get stuck when cleaning.

Kitchen Sink Configuration

Kitchen Sink Configuration and Size

Figuring out the right size is going to rely mostly on the available space you have to install the sink. The configuration is the shape of the bowl, number of bowls, the shape of the corners, and number of faucet holes. It’s possible to install a corner or single-bowl sink to conserve space if size is restricted. A large kitchen might accommodate multiple-bowls of varying depth.

Sink Material

Choosing the right material is a matter of personal taste as well as key features of each option.

Weigh the positive and negative traits of each of these different sink material options:

  • Acrylic – An economical and low-maintenance acrylic sink easy to mold into any desired shape and it resists stains. They are usually reinforced with fiberglass to ensure that they are also durable.
    Cons include intolerance to high heat and the necessity to avoid petroleum-based products because it can cause damage.
  • Cast Iron – If durability is a major priority, cast iron finished with a porcelain enamel coating is going to provide a serious benefit. Although it will eventually accumulate scratches, chips, and normal wear, it is very easy to fix. It’s a good idea to stick to the undermount application rather than a drop-in because the material is heavy.
    Cons include the chance of showing rust if wear or chips leave the material exposed, and it is not compatible with abrasive cleaners.
  • Fireclay – Rather than form the primary structure the way that cast iron does, fireclay is the base used to support a matte or glossy clay-based structure. It’s a type of ceramic that is fired at a high temperature to provide durability.
    Cons include requiring a very careful installation to avoid cracking, and some options are on the expensive side.
  • Stainless Steel – The stainless steel material that has been used for decades remains a top choice for most people because it is sleek and durable. It’s easy to clean, affordable, and resistant to damage from dropped dishes.
    Cons include showing water spots if not properly cleaned and dried after use, and the chance of visible scratching if a polished finish is installed.

Below are the a few of the manufactures we carry:

Call us to schedule an appointment to visit our showroom so that we can help you make important decisions about your new sink installation.

Remodeling Your Outdoor Living Space Doesn’t Have to Be Hard, Read These Four Tips

Remodeling Your Outdoor Living Space Doesn’t Have to Be Hard, Read These Four Tips

Too often, people limit their living space at home to the rooms inside when it is possible to create a fun, relaxing outdoor living space perfect for entertaining or just enjoying nature. If you think it is too difficult to create the perfect outdoor living space, just follow these four tips and you’ll have the perfect outdoor paradise for friends and family to enjoy.

Start With a Plan

Just like with any remodeling project, it is important to start with a plan. Look over your outdoor area to see where the best location for a living space would be. Do you want the ability to soak up the sun’s rays or are you seeking a nice, shady spot to enjoy some peace and solitude? Once you know what you want, put your plan on paper. Be sure to take accurate measurements and layout your options on paper as best as you can. This will help keep the entire project running smoothly.

Outdoor Fireplace

An outdoor fireplace is an excellent addition to any outdoor living space. There are many different options available today for outdoor fireplaces, including large, bold natural stone fireplaces all the way down to small, wrought iron fire pits. Add a few garden benches, some chairs with soft cushions and lighting for a cozy, romantic outdoor space where friends and family will enjoy gathering.

Outdoor KitchenOutdoor Kitchen

A living space outdoors would not be complete without an outdoor kitchen. You can make the kitchen as elaborate or as simple as you choose. Your outdoor kitchen can consist of a simple barbecue grill with surfaces on each side for preparation or it can include refrigerators, sinks with running water and even traditional stove elements so that you can cook an entire meal outside if you choose. Surround the area with natural stone for a rustic look.

Stone Décor, Garden Space and Lighting

Natural Stone balustradeThere is no question that stone décor adds an elegant yet rustic look to any outdoor living space. Use levels of natural stone in a garden area, planting vines or other flowers that can hang over the stones. Custom stone pergolas are a unique addition to any garden space or outdoor living area or consider adding a fountain so that you and your guests always enjoy the soothing sounds of trickling water. A stone table is also a welcome edition in an outdoor living space. If you have the space, consider adding a stunning balustrade to create a focal point outside your home. Of course, it is also important to have the right type and amount of lighting in your backyard sanctuary. There are many options for outdoor lighting, including solar panels or fixtures that will keep your outdoor living area illuminated properly.

It is time to move outside the four walls of your house and begin enjoying the great outdoors. An outdoor living space allows you to entertain guests surrounded by the sights and sounds of nature. Flemington Granite is here to help you with all your outdoor living needs. Visit us today! Call or fill out their contact form. One of their helpful, friendly staff members will contact you as soon as possible and get you started on creating that perfect backyard paradise.

Buyer’s Guide: Engineered Stone Countertops

Buyer’s Guide Engineered Stone Countertops

Making environmentally sensitive choices is an effort that most Americans care about these days. Engineered stone countertops are Eco-friendly, hygienic, low-maintenance, versatile, and incredibly attractive. It is the ideal choice for almost any setting that could use a touch of elegance and unique style.

Which products make a great countertop surface?

Kitchen countertops of engineered stone are designed to stand up to the high-wear of such an installation. Acid-resistant and durable engineered stone brands that we are proud to carry and recommend include Cambria, Marble Systems, Caesartone, and Silestone. As long as the surface is nonporous, it will never stain, crack, mold, or scratch, even if it is used in a frequently humid bathroom.

What are the primary characteristics of engineered stone?

Beauty is one of the first things that people notice about any slab of engineered stone. It is incredibly strong, durable, and resistant to almost any type of damage. The surface cannot accumulate mold or bacteria because is it completely non-absorbent and easy to clean. Heat-resistance makes it ideal for any application, even if it is near a hot stove or fireplace.

characteristics of engineered stone

What are some advantages to using these products?

Colors and styles vary so greatly in the engineered stone products that it can mimic the appearance of natural stone. Anyone that appreciates the appearance of delicate marble or limestone can own the look with the addition of strength offered in engineered stone. Avoiding the use of natural resources protects the environment, and manufactured products actually use recycled materials in production. Installation is very simple if you hire a contractor that is familiar with handling the product.

  • Color: Dozens of colors are available, and quartz offers one clear benefit over natural stone: more options than nature alone can provide.Just consider shades like apple martini green or funky crocodile-print surfaces. Colors range from quietly traditional to ultra hip.

Are there any negative aspects to choosing engineered stone?

It’s tough to find any downside when it comes to such a versatile option, but it can be difficult to create smooth curves. Otherwise, there is almost no limit to the applications possible with the help of an experienced contractor. Unless you are determined to have authentic natural stone inside your home, there is no reason not to choose an engineered product.

  • Practicality: One of the most practical options for busy baths, quartz stands up to staining, heat and scratching. Unlike natural stone, it never requires sealing.

We look forward to helping you find the perfect slab of engineered stone that suits your taste in color and texture options. Work with a manufacturer that not only understands engineered stone, but offers an entire showroom of different options for you to choose from. Provide your information through our contact form so that we can set up an appointment soon.

8 Secret Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Kitchen Backsplash

8 Secret Ways To Make The Most Out Of Your Kitchen Backsplash

The backsplash is a staple of the modern kitchen design because it is equally functional and decorative. It makes sense to protect the wall from cooking and cleaning stains while featuring a stylish accent that is visually appealing. Material options are not limited to traditional ceramic tiles with the increasing popularity of less common designs. Step up the personal touches in the kitchen by featuring a stunning backsplash design that reflects personal style and creativity.

Laser-cut tile
Frequently created with quartz or marble, intricate tiles that are cut into elaborate designs fit together perfectly for an exquisite design.

Diagonal tile
The sleek design created by placing diamond-shaped tiles creates a clean finish for homeowners that prefer a basic style. It is worth noting that the construction is more complex when fitting the top and bottom pieces correctly, and the installer will likely charge a higher fee.

Bold pattern tile

Bold pattern tile
Covering a large wall with wallpaper is such an outdated design solution, but tile featuring a large pattern is an elegant alternative. Overscale patterns are easy to match and repeat to suit any size wall in need of a backsplash.

Subway tile
The classic design of the tile often used in subway stations will never go out of style. Materials are easy to set to cover a small area behind a sink or extending all the way to the ceiling.

Kitchen Backsplash

Herringbone tile
Laying out individual pieces of texturally stimulating herringbone pattern tiles seems extremely tedious, but it is possible to skip the hassle by ordering materials already set on a piece of backing material.

Industrial Chic
Rustic meets contemporary in a marriage of sheer sophistication with this style. Envision textured surfaces arranged with clean lines that demand the admiration of anyone that enters the room.

Specialty-shaped tile

Specialty-shaped tile
It’s easy to work with simple squares, but there is no limit when working with a skilled manufacturer that is willing to work with specific shape and color preferences.

Custom mosaic tile
Manufacturers offer a selection of mosaic designs, but imagine the possibilities of a custom piece created and installed by an actual artist.

This is only a sample of the unique material options that could be used to create a custom backsplash design. Many homeowners view this feature as a final touch, but we believe that an inspired vision can make it the focal point of the entire room. It only takes a moment to fill out the contact form so that we can begin collaborating on a truly unique design.