When you are planning to have visitors staying at your house, you’ll want to provide them with a well-stocked and comfortable bathroom to use during their stay. When you make certain that your bathroom is not only clean but is also well-organized, your guests will feel more welcome in your home.
Most people treat their guest areas as if they are added spaces to store belongings, taking a little time to plan the additional touches that people find inviting. When you will have houseguests, it doesn’t take a lot to prepare for them with the following tips.
1. Clear out unneeded personal items
If you have personal items that you are storing in the bathroom your guests will be using, it is time to remove them before they arrive. Throw out any expired medication as well as other items that you simply don’t use. These sorts of items don’t help you and do not need to stay in your home.
2. Clean thoroughly
Make sure the bathroom is thoroughly cleaned before your guests arrive. Make sure to clean out your shower, sink and toilet as well as the floors. If you have chrome fixtures, dryer sheets work well for polishing them. Finish the room by giving the floor a thorough mopping.
3. Make sure you have adequately supplied your guest bathroom
If you are wondering what type of supplies you need to have available, you need to think no further than what you expect when you are staying in a hotel. Providing extra toilet paper rolls, soap, plenty of clean towels, tissues, conditioner, shampoo and a spare hair dryer are all things you should have available for your guests.
4. Make your medicine cabinet a thoughtful storage space
The medicine cabinet in your guest bathroom should be filled with extras. These might include new toothbrushes, toothpaste, disposable razors, allergy medication, feminine hygiene products and moisturizer. Your guests will be very appreciative of your thoughtfulness.
5. Provide labeled containers
A nice touch for your guests is to store commonly used items such as cotton balls and swabs in labeled containers so that they are both available and easy to find.
6. Leave some space
After you have made sure to stock your bathroom, you should make certain that your guests will also have the space they need for the toiletries they bring. If you leave your countertop clear and clean, they’ll have plenty of room to store their own personal items during their visit.
7. Imagine your space through your guests’ eyes
One good idea is for you to sit in your bathroom and glance about, imagining you are a guest. You’ll want to ask yourself if the space makes you feel comfortable from a guest’s perspective. Make sure that all of the light bulbs are working and that your toilet flushes without any problems. Think about your guests’ privacy needs and whether they will feel as if they have sufficient privacy.
When you take the time needed to stock and clean your bathroom while also anticipating your guests’ needs, your visitors are bound to feel much more comfortable.