Having a fireplace definitely has its benefits. From comfort to warmth, a fireplace can change your mood and outlook on life in a matter of seconds. Never mind the possible inconveniences of getting a fire going or the efforts involved in installing an updated and modern fireplace appliance. Just think of all the pluses with a fireplace as opposed to the negatives. There happen to be 7 benefits that just may change your perspective on fireplaces.
1. Off the Grid or your Way to Energy Independence
If you already have a fireplace, you may be reaping the benefits of lower utility bills or no utility bills at all. Maybe you live off the grid or own or live on property that has immense reserves of various trees that are easily accessed and can be used as your bottomless firewood supply. Energy independence is an excellent benefit of a fireplace. If your fireplace is in fairly continuous use, it is extremely important to not allow it to become a possible fire hazard. That means cleaning your chimney fairly regularly or having a professional chimney sweep inspect and clean your chimney at least once a year.
2. Heat Source
Wood burning appliances today are efficient enough to generate heat for several rooms in a house and any duct work associated with the appliance can allow heat to be evenly transmitted throughout an entire house. In addition, most top-notch appliances with wood burning capacity have high emission standards and can even be identified as smokeless heating systems. They are also environmentally friendly with no carbon emissions. Many of these appliances resemble the look of a fireplace as well and with wood being a highly sustainable source of energy, there is no end to the clean and comforting heat that can be produced.
3. Fire’s Comforting Ability
No one can deny that a fireplace and its hearth area provide a comforting and cozy warmth and ambiance that few can describe. Other ways to experience the comfort and coziness of a fire can be found through pellet stoves, stand alone fireplaces, stoves or fireplace inserts.
Sitting in front of any fireplace is an enjoyable and cheerful way to experience fellowship with family, friends and guests. Children and big children love to watch the fiery flames knock the chill off a blustery day or evening. The smell of burning logs and the crackling and popping of a fire also add an element of surprise and fun, and are reminder of a real outdoor campfire. Solitude is not such a bad thing either. Just settle into your favorite chair, get a good book and enjoy a cup of cocoa or take a catnap in front of a slow burning fire.
4. Cooking with Fire
A wood burning stove comes in handy and is beneficial when you want to provide both warmth and a open top for cooking. If you need to heat liquids or canned foods, a stove top is perfect for that, plus you can use the heat from the stove to stay warm. If no electricity is available or is out of service, a fireplace itself can be used to cook food items in cast iron pots or enjoy marshmallows, hot dogs and other foods that can be put on grates or metal skewers.
5. Power Outages
When power outages occur because of bad winter weather or other conditions, a fireplace or wood burning stove is a great energy producer for both light and heat, even if just for a limited time. When you don’t have power, a fireplace is a welcome relief. You do want to plan ahead before winter sets in and find a firewood supplier or cut enough wood of your own to keep a fire going during episodes of power loss.
6. Romance with Fire
When you and the one you love are in need of an instant escape, a fireplace or even an electric or gas fireplace with real heat and flames is a wonderful spot to sit in front of to enjoy one another’s company. Put on some soft music or an old movie and relish the time together. Grab a warm or cold drink and simply relax in comfort. A fire can do that for you.
7. Home Value
Another important benefit of a wood burning fireplace or any other type of fireplace whether it’s electric, gas, or a stove type is the value it adds to a home. A fireplace can be an instant focal point and selling point in almost any room of a home, whether large or small. Though a traditional fireplace does require a bit of work with keeping the chimney and hearth clean and maintaining a supply of wood, there are alternatives in electric and gas fireplaces that are easier to maintain, and they are available in a myriad of styles to coordinate with your home’s design scheme.
Many of the benefits of fireplaces presented here will capture your attention and they definitely have the potential to change your perspective on the uses of a fireplace. If you have questions about different types of fireplaces, or just need some answers on what type of fireplace would work in your home, simply fill out the contact form and a representative will get back to you with the information you need.