Often called bulkheads, a kitchen soffit is a box-shaped structure designed to hide wiring and mechanical components between the cabinets and ceiling. Although they are normally found in kitchens, they may also exist in other rooms in our home. Older kitchens sometimes have soffits that extend past the cabinets which some homeowners find unattractive. In some cases, a soffit can make your kitchen feel dated or claustrophobic. Unfortunately, you may not be able to remove the soffit so you must come up with ways to hide them.
Removing a Kitchen Soffit
In some cases, you may be able to remove the soffits in your kitchen. Before beginning, turn off all power to the kitchen and mark spots that cannot be removed. You cannot remove ductwork and other popping, so you want to clearly mark them to be sure you don’t cause any damage. Remove any decorative pieces as well as crown molding. Once you have completed those tasks, you will need to remove the kitchen cabinets. It is important to note that removing soffits can be very messy as you must remove a significant amount of drywall. Most of the soffit will be empty behind it so removing it will require sawing and hammers. It can take some time to remove all of the soffit that you can, leaving only the sections that hide vents or pipes.
Make the Soffit Thicker
If you cannot remove the soffit, you may want to consider making the soffit thicker. Although this seems to be counterproductive, a thick soffit will act as a border around the kitchen and help it blend in with existing cabinetry. This makes it appear as if it is just an extension of the wall giving your kitchen a dynamic look.
Decorative Additions
Adding decorative additions, such as crown molding, is another way to soften the look. Crown molding especially adds sophistication and elegance as well s dimension. It creates the look of a border in a way that never really goes out of style. You can also add extensions to create the look of a beam or pillar. This may require some construction strategy but you can also achieve the look by painting the soffit a different color. Adding beams around the kitchen that match the soffit help it blend even more.
Change the Cabinets
Although you may not be able to remove your soffit, you can change your cabinets. If your soffit sticks out beyond the cabinets, purchase new ones that match or extend past the soffit. Remove some of the cabinets and install shelves to give the kitchen a more open look. You can also remove cabinets and create a nook using the soffit. Add some cubbies or a small table to the nook for a cute look.
If you are dealing with soffit issues, contact Flemington Granite today. You can arrange for an appointment by calling or filling out the easy form online.