What Color Schemes Go Well With Travertine Counters?

What Color Schemes Go Well With Travertine Counters?

The white and off-white varieties of travertine countertops make it an easy neutral countertop that is easy to match. It is a type of limestone that is often used instead of marble because it is a less expensive building material. Travertine goes great with almost any color and shade that suits the personal taste of the homeowner.

Consider these hues to breathe life into a blah space.

Light Color Schemes

A bathroom that features travertine and a light color scheme puts an emphasis on cleanliness. It naturally reflects the brightness of a white wall or marble floor for a brilliant radiance. Pastel shades of yellow or pink add a striking accent of color to break up the monotony of a single tone. If you prefer to have a warm, inviting feeling in the room, a shade of sand or cantaloupe are complementary additions. Bring out a distinctive coolness to match the stone with Benjamin Moore‘s Crystal Springs #764 or Highland Breeze #786 trim.

Crystal Springs






Highland Breeze






Dark Color Schemes

Pairing such as light stone with dark colors is an attractive contrast. Although most do not go as drastic as black, it does create a feel of high-end design. If you are looking to create a rich look in the kitchen, medium blues are a choice that is visually striking without being overbearing. Warm, darker reds that pair exceptionally are Benjamin Moore’s Crimson (#1299) or Merlot (#2006-10).











Neutral Color Schemes

The easiest pairing to make with travertine is various neutral shades, although they are typically underused. If you want to avoid adding an overwhelming color to any room, neutral colors are the best way to stay away from plain white. Travertine pairs well with warm browns, such as Benjamin Moore’s Ancient Oak (#940), Oakwood Manor (#1095), or Tavern Ochre (#CW-375). A small accent area of green or yellow adds a touch of uniqueness to an otherwise neutral color scheme.

Ancient Oak




Oakwood Manor




Tavern Ochre




Call us if you would like to take a look at our collection of natural stone options in the showroom. We would be happy to help you add travertine counters to your home, and also provide recommendations of great matching colors that suit your personal style.